Saturday, February 22, 2014

On Not Being Pregnant

It's been a glorious three weeks and counting since I've given birth. Which means three wonderful weeks of getting to know my newborn, getting to introduce my newborn to the world, and finding out how to be a mother to two. It's also been wonderful to NOT be pregnant.
Some women have told me how much they loved being pregnant. Most of these women are in their fifties so I kinda wonder if they actually remember being pregnant. Because in both of my experiences, though both very different, neither of them were very fun. I was tired, exhausted, nauseous, back to being tired, then big, then huge, and uncomfortable. Let's not forget the hormonal, not able to sleep proper, endless need to pee, and always hungry but not able to eat large meals.
Your organs are completely squished at the end of it. For me heartburn is terrible, and I can hardly eat things. I can't handle spice at all, and I live in fear of waking up choking on vomit. All in all, really unpleasant. The things I can giggle at, is the baby hiccuping, or kicking my head.
And really after all of this, I think that women are slightly insane to get themselves pregnant, and give birth. It's so DANGEROUS. Really if you stop to think about it. The things that can go wrong are nutso. That leads me to modern medicine though, and makes me so completely thankful that we are so advanced that way. And that really if everything didn't go perfectly then the hospital was right there to take me and baby to.
The best part, the absolute best part of not being pregnant, is having my baby in my arms. Of falling in love with her, more and more each day. Of watching her brother and father fall in love with her. How amazingly fast she grows, and how I think after all of the hardships of being pregnant, I'd do it again in a heart beat if it meant I would get her in the end again.
It's almost a month after her birth, and it's a bit surreal that so much time has pasted. And that's she's grown so much already. And slowly we as a family are getting use to being four instead of three. Slowly I am getting use to being a mother to two children. And a mother to a newborn again. Slowly my body is healing, and going back to pre-pregnancy.
So yes I'm happy not to be pregnant. However I'm happy that I was. That I was lucky enough to experience that once more, and to have two amazingly beautiful children. And lucky to have them with my amazing husband.

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